Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to make an online book club? I mean how do we discuss the book and how are we goin to start the discussion

The book is 'the devil and miss prym'. It's spiritual fiction by Paulo Coelho. How should we start the discussion as it's online.

I didn't really attend a book club before. Give me a hand....How to make an online book club? I mean how do we discuss the book and how are we goin to start the discussion
Most book groups, online or in person, start with a leader or facilitator asking questions which have no right or wrong answer and which can't be answered briefly.

I haven't read the book you're discussing, so I can't tailor any just for it.

Sample questions might be:

Which character did you think was the strongest individual, and why?

Which character did you dislike? Were you supposed to?

How do you think the main character changes from how s/he was at the beginning?

What part of this book would you have liked more of, and why?

Do you agree with the decisions [name a character who made some] made? How would things have turned out if s/he decided the other way?

What aspect of this book did you not care for? Was it a big annoyance or nothing much?

What kind of person would you recommend this book to?

What celebrity would hate this book?

What to you think the author's better at, creating characters or creating plots?

You get the idea. In general, the questions can be answered superficially by people who only skimmed it, but they don't insult the readers who gave it their full attention.How to make an online book club? I mean how do we discuss the book and how are we goin to start the discussion
You need to think of a few questions to get a discussion going. I have not read this book, but, for instance, in Pearl S. Buck's "The Good Earth" do you think people in China in that day knew that they were living in poverty or was it just perfectly normal for them and did they believe it was that way for everyone?

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