Monday, January 23, 2012

Are ugly men allowed in gay book clubs?

I'm thinking of joining one to make gay friends but I'm worried my looks will prevent that.Are ugly men allowed in gay book clubs?
First off, I wanna say that I'm probably the last person to be answering this because I am somewhat vain (it's been getting better, I'm only 18) but I've learned a few things growing up: looks do not really matter that much. They really don't. I'm attractive and I try my best to look good at all times and to be honest all it gets you is a few looks and checkouts. Most people really do care about what's inside of the outer shell of beauty and if there are people who will judge you based off of your physical appearance then they are NOT worth your time and I'm sure that there are plenty of book clubs with decent human beings in them. However, people will probably judge you if it's obvious that you don't take care of yourself. Unless you are stricken by homelessness or are going through some extreme hardship in your life and you don't have thirteen children to take care of on a minimum wage salary, you have no excuse to not be able to afford face wash, tooth brushes, soap, shaving cream, yes, if you weren't born with special looks, I believe that God gave you something to make up for it in your personality or something and you need to know what that is and be proud of it. But like I said: you might not be able to change how you look but you should still take care of yourself. Be confident in who you are and people will naturally gravitate towards you when you're doing the easiest thing in the world: being you.
Don't ever feel that way about yourself! Nobody is ugly! We all have things we would like to change about ourselves, but don't be so self conscious! I'm sure you will get allowed in without hesitation! You have to respect yourself and others will respect you too! Just walk in that club like you deserve to be there with your head up high and smile like you own the place and they will have to let you in! Be confident! I'm sure you look much better than you think you do, we are always our own toughest critics. Ignore those insecure voices in you head because they are wrong! :)Are ugly men allowed in gay book clubs?
This is obviously a troll question because it's getting troll answers. The fact is people are superficial, I've seen this on more than one continent. You'd better work on your look or else you may not be easily accepted. Or at least people may be nice to you but if the attractive people dislike you everyone else will side with them, as people don't want to upset the powerful ones.
if yur white yur beautiful

@blu scot i luv yu to mister white man and might i add i envy yu in every wayAre ugly men allowed in gay book clubs?
I would not worry about it to much.

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