Monday, January 30, 2012

Don't these book clubs check your name for accuracy?

I asked my friend how she affords so many books, she tells me she joins a few of the various book clubs each time she moves, and she doesn't even use her real name. She gets the starting shipment of however many free books, they never ask for payment up front, and then she just never pays it and then moves and does it again. Is this really true? How do these places not go bankrupt with people stealing books this way?Don't these book clubs check your name for accuracy?
How often does she move?

They only send books for so long until they send a bill and stop sending books without payment.

I think most people wouldn't do that, some people have morals, or at least have never thought of doing that.

There is a little evil voice in my head that says "hey, maybe that's a good idea.." but i don't have the nerve to do that.

It probably doesn't happen that much though.

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