Monday, January 30, 2012

Are there any online book clubs where people can chat about books, post questions, and discuss?

Shelfari has that option. It's a site where you can list all your books for free; you can also post reviews of books that you've read and ask questions about them as well. Besides listing all your books you can also join discussion groups based on genres of books and individual books themselves. If you don't see a discussion group on a book you like then you can create your own. It's a fun site to join and browse on (you can invite people you know to be your "friends" there and also see who has read the same books that you have). Here's a link to the site:

Happy reading to you! :-)Are there any online book clubs where people can chat about books, post questions, and discuss?
There are quite a number of online reading groups. The first link below has a directory of some of them. There are also a number of mailing lists devoted to particular authors - Pynchon, Wallace, Nabokov, Joyce, etc. - many of which use the author's last name followed by -l.Are there any online book clubs where people can chat about books, post questions, and discuss?

Yes, Wiki lists three in its 'pages,' the ZBookClub, LitMinds, and Readerville.

Just put the old http://www. __________ (and then) .com or .org and you should find one of these. Remember not to leave any spaces between the characters in your 'net address, or it will not light up and take you there.

Luck--Are there any online book clubs where people can chat about books, post questions, and discuss?

there's more to it than just the forum, but there are many people from all over the world on there talking about books.. all the time..
Barnes %26amp; Noble has just what you are looking for

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